Sunday, 29 July 2007

My first foray into the blogosphere

Hi anybody who's reading this! My name's Becky and I'm borrowing the epithet "wheelchair princess" from Emma - thanks. I'm almost 25, have spastic quadraplegic cerebral palsy and am a wannabee academic. My subject is Children's Literature and yes, that IS possible. I have a Master's degree and am on the first (shaky) step of the ladder to higher things. Fingers crossed.

I love children and am a tutor in English to Primary/elementary school kids. I have two pets, both felines, one named Albus, the other Midi (short for Midnight) and yes, I am obsessed with all things Harry Potter. For other HP fans, my favourite book is number 3, followed by 5 and 7.
I still live with my Mum and Dad and we are close. Moving out is just something I don't want to contemplate yet.

I am a full time wheelchair user and would tick the box on any form which says "cannot walk at all". For any other people dealing with cp, I have been educated in mainstream education from the age of seven - most appropriate thing ever for me, though not for all children, I know - and have not let my disability hold me back. Hence my blog title!

I set this up because I have drawn much comfort and inspiration from reading other people's blogs and hope that my story might help other people. Oh, and I adore writing!

Comments and sensible queries are welcome. I hope to hear from you.
I live in England.

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Becky, welcome to the world of blogger! I wish you great things, and hope that you enjoy your "first foray" ... I'll warn you, it's a little bit addictive. :)

Best wishes,